
Participating companies prepare for high-tech industry alliance conference in Songjiang – SHINE

Tech industry

Ti Gong

Garnering almost 1,500 enterprises, a conference for improving the development of the G60 High-tech Corridor were Held at the G60 High-tech Corridor Industry Alliance and Demonstration Area in Songjiang District on Tuesday.

With participation from almost 1,500 enterprises, a conference to discuss action plans and guidelines for development of the G60 High-tech Corridor was held at the G60 High-tech Corridor Industry Alliance and Demonstration Area in Songjiang District on Tuesday.

The Corridor has grown and created over 14 industrial alliances and 11 industrial cooperation demonstration areas, contributing a total output of over 3.2 trillion yuan (US$496.3 billion) in 2020.

The conference introduced technical requirements for the Corridor’s industrial chain and launched the 2.0 version of a digital science cloud platform to provide technological and innovative services for enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region.

“The Corridor will build a cross-regional industrial cooperation platform to promote alliances amongst companies like COMAC, and Tencent,” said Liu Fusheng, deputy director of Songjiang District in Shanghai. Industry leaders are confident that the Corridor will bring China’s economic, technological, and innovative growth to new heights.
